Benji is a handsome young man that was adopted internationally when he was younger. He is in need of a new home. Benji blames his adoptive parents for his past trauma that he experienced in his birth country and has struggled in his large family. He has a very strained relationship with his family members. His parents have decided to partner with KidTeen Adoptions to try and find him a new home, free from past triggers, where he’ll thrive and be successful. We are a fully accredited and licensed adoption agency that helps families who are dissolving adoptions.
We are looking for a two parent home or single father. Traditional couples, LGBTQ couples or individuals are invited to inquire. Benji could potentially do best with two dads, but this is not a requirement. Benji would do best as the youngest or only child. Families with siblings will be considered on a case by case basis. There is no preference on religion, age, employment or location of the new adoptive family.
Benji is social and outgoing. It is not hard for him to talk to peers or make friends. He can be a comedian and make others laugh. Benji enjoys being active, playing basketball, working out and lifting weights. He also enjoys art and is said to be a good artist and very creative. He enjoys doing 1,000 piece puzzles. His parents report that he has a nice singing voice. He enjoys singing around the house or in the car. Benji recently has learned and enjoyed working on cars and making meals for others in the kitchen.
Overall, Benji does better outside of his current home. Because of this, we are hopeful that we can find him a new home where he can be successful.
If you fit what we are looking for, please write to us and request his full information. Please email us at
This is a private adoption, so a state or foster care home study might not work. A state authorized private domestic or international home study is generally required. You will need a current, updated or new home study for this adoption.
Due to state laws, we are unable to place this child in CT, MA, NY, or DE. If you live in WI, there are a few steps that have to be followed, but it is possible to adopt from there. If you live in OR, you may need to travel to the child’s state to finalize the adoption. We have made recent connections in FL that could potentially make it possible to place in that state. Please contact us for more information.
If we have home study ready families for this child, we will consider them first. Therefore, if you are willing to take a child between the ages of 9 and 15, we suggest you begin the process as soon as possible.
We know that adopting a child over the age of 9 could be difficult, but we feel confident that there are parents of all types out there who love kids and would love to add them to their families.
Adoption is a legal process so there will be costs associated with them. There are grants out there to help fund your adoption (please request that information.) This adoption may qualify for the IRS Adoption Tax Credit.
Contact us if you have any questions or want to know more about Benji. Our email is
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