Books about attachment disorder
Children Who Shock and Surprise: A Guide to Attachment Disorders by Elizabeth Randolph, R.N., PhD.
Troubled Transplants: Unconventional Strategies for Helping Disturbed Foster and Adoptive Children by Richard J. Delany and Frank R. Kunstal
Becoming Attached: First Relationship and How They Shape Our Capacity by Robert Karen, PhD.
Attachment, Trauma and Healing: Understanding Attachment Disorder in Children and Families by Terry M. Levy, PhD. And Michael Orlans, M.A.
A Child’s Journey Through Placement by Vera Fahlberg
Clinical Implications of Attachment by Jay Belsky and Teresa Nezworski
Don’t Touch My Heart: Healing the Pain of an Unattached Child by Lyndia Gianforte Mansfield and Christopher Waldmann
Building the Bonds of Attachment by Daniel A Hughes, and Jason Aronson
Books about Cultural, Ethnic and Racial Heritage
Are Those Kids Yours? American Families Children Adopted from Other Countries by Cheri Register. This book is full of interviews with parents and adoptees, which make this an excellent, comprehensive overview of the joys and challenges of living in and parenting and international family.
Books on Behavior Management
The Parent’s Guide by Stephen MeCarney and Angeal Bauer. This book enables you to look the child’s specific troublesome behavior and choose among dozens of constructive alternatives to physical punishment, which professionals now nearly universally regard as harmful to children and their relationships. The alternative that works for one child at a particular stage may not work for his sister or for the same child under different circumstances, so patient trial and error is a large part of successful behavior management.
The Challenging Child by Stanley Greenspan. This is an optimistic and reassuring book that describes the five difficult types of children and how to live happily with them.
Child Behavior by Frances ILG, M.D. Along with a discussion of what is typical, normal behavior for children at various ages and stages up to 9 years old. This classic has sections on how to handle typical problems such as eating, sleeping, etc. It is highly recommended as a quick reference book for parents to consult again and again as their children meet new challenges.
Children: The Challenge by Rudolf Dreikurs. This book is classic in that it teaches logical consequences and stress-reducing parenting skills that are useful with all children.
Parenting Effectiveness Training by Thomas Gordon. This is an absolute classic book which contains a common sense system for the settlement of conflicts. It also teaches democratic discipline that enforces itself by finding mutually acceptable solutions that satisfy both children and parents.
Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jay Fay. This books is a fun and delightful book that presents principles of teaching responsibility that build parent/child bonds.
Can This Child Be Saved? Solutions for Adoptive and Foster Families by Foster Cline, M.D. and Cathy Helding
Books about older children
Helping Children Cope with Loss and Separation by Claudia Jewett Jarratt
Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search by Brozinsky, Schechter, and Nenig
Toddler Adoption: The Weaver’s Craft by Mark Hopkins-Best
Our Own: Adopting and Parenting the Older Child by Trish Maskew
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay
Parenting Books
The Adoptive Parenting Process by Nili Luo
20 Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed by Sherrie Eldridge
Adopting the Hurt Child by Gregory Keck and Regina M Kupecky
Parenting the Hurt Child by Gregory Keck and Regina M Kupecky
Real Parents, Real Children- Parenting the Adopted Child by Holly VanGulden and Lisa M Barteis-Rabb
The Single Parent Resource by Brooke Noel and Art Klien
Books for Children
We Adopted You, Benjamin Koo by Linda Walvoord Girard
One Wonderful You by Francie Portnoy
Why Was I Adopted? By Carole Livingstone
Did My First Mother Love Me? By Kathryn Ann Miller
I Love You Like Crazy Cakes by Rose Lewis
Shaoey and Dot by Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman
You’re Not My Real Mother by Molly Freidrich
Families are Forever by Craid Shemin
A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza