Meet Lily!
*Lily is 8 years old and was adopted 3 years ago from US foster care. She has not attached to the adoptive family and since she does well in other situations besides the family home, they feel that she is a great candidate for a secondary adoption. Please email us at for Lily’s full profile and to learn why she needs a new, different adoptive family.
Lily enjoys arts and crafts, building with various materials and playing outside. She prefers to be outside where she can work off extra energy. Her adopted parents say she has a great memory and is very creative. She likes to read—mostly books about fairies. She doesn’t really have any ‘favorites’, as she will often ask you what your favorite is and then say that’s hers too! Lily is a bit of a tomboy. She enjoys art a lot!
Lily likes all foods besides mushrooms and has no food issues or allergies.
Lily performs at grade level for all her subjects in school except for reading, which is above grade level. Her teacher’s end-of-year notes are all positive and enthusiastic.
Lily’s first adoptive family would prefer a Christian family, but they are not making that a requirement. The family does not wish to consider a single dad or same sex couple for Lily. A traditional two parent home or single mom will be considered. Second Chance is requiring that the new family have a current (or easily updated) homestudy and no other children in the home under age 10.
This is a private adoption, so a state or foster home study might not work. A state authorized private domestic or international home study is generally required. You will need to have a current, or easily-updated home study for this adoption. Due to state laws, we are not able to place this child in CT, MA, NY, or DE. If you live in OR, you may need to travel to the child’s state to finalize this adoption. If you have never had a home study before, we cannot help you adopt this child. But we would love to share with you the process of starting a home study so you could be approved for a child in the near future. Please write to us and ask us how to get started!
Adoption is a legal process so there will be costs associated. This adoption may qualify for the IRS Adoption Tax Credits.
Contact us at
Please allow us at least 2 business days to respond to your email—if it’s been longer than that, please check that you spelled our email address correctly and also check your ‘junk’ folder for our response, as sometimes our replies are treated as junk mail.
*To protect the privacy of our waiting children and their families, Second Chance does not share real names for our waiting children on the Internet. It is our policy to only share a snippet of a waiting child’s details as well as the type of adoptive family we are looking for. If you fit the POSTED REQUIREMENTS, are home study ready (or can be soon!), and interested in adding this child to your family, please write to us for an honest, in-depth profile on the child including medical, educational, and behavioral information and learn the full story of why this child needs a secondary adoption. Our program social worker and program director have worked together with the child’s family to carefully set the requirements for the new family. These requirements are not negotiable, so please honor the needs of this child by not asking us to bend them for you.
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