CCCWA Announcement
New Method for Placement of Non-Special Focus Children
China has announced a slight change to the way they process requests for non-special focus children. Families, who have a log-in-date (LID) for their dossier with CCCWA, may have their agency request a non-special focus child be matched to them. If multiple families are interested in adopting a non-special focus child, the family with the earliest LID will be matched by CCCWA with the child.
In light of this change, we are opening 15 spots in our China program for families who want to utilize this method. Since the wait time for a match under this system is unknown, we will be offering $1,000 off the program fee if you sign up before January 31st, 2020. Once you are matched, the process will go quickly and you and your adopted child will be home in 4 to 5 months.
Notice of New Trial Method for Placement of Non-special-focus Children
December 3nd, 2019
All relevant governmental offices and adoption agencies of adopting countries,
The China Centre for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA), from now on, will make a trial application of a new method to place non-special-focus children. Adoption agencies can recommend one suitable prospective adoptive family whose application dossier has already been filed at the CCCWA for each non-special-focus child on the basis of his/her file attached to each advance notice (recommendation is not compulsory, if there is not such a family). Adoption agencies should make sure that the approval given by the government for the family to adopt internationally is valid, and put in the LIN as well as the LID within 48 hours in the Wechat group (the one set up by the CCCWA for making recommendation of placement and application for individual release of child file). One family can only tick one child. The CCCWA will identify the family and provide the child file individually with the adoption agency related according to the sequence of LID. The agency can keep the child file for 48 hours. If application dossiers were logged-in on the same day, sequence of appearance of the LIN and LID in the Wechat group will count. After locking the child, the adoption agency should submit application on behalf of the family for pre-approval of CCCWA within 72 hours. If family information does not accord with the original application dossier or the approval given by the government expires, the CCCWA will draw back the child file and make new attempts for placement.
Method for placement of special-focus children remains un-adjusted. The CCCWA planned to release a shared list online of special-focus children on December 10.
Notice is hereby given.
Hosting Program
We are excited to announce we have been approached by CCCWA to be hosted by an orphanage. We will be looking for volunteers to go on this trip. Leaving April 2020! More details to come!
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