Meet Paul!
Paul is 7 years old (age verified by dentist) and was adopted last year internationally. He was adopted into a large family with other children biological to the home who are both older and younger than himself, and if you’re familiar with our program, you know that can be very difficult for some children to cope with. His adopted family feels it is not fair to him to stay in a family environment where he needs to fight to get the individual attention he craves.
Second Chance has partnered with them to find Paul a new adoptive family who has no other children under the age of 10 and a current (or easily updated) homestudy.
Please write to us at to learn about Paul and our process of being preapproved for a Second Chance adoption.
Paul’s family tells us that he is a happy, smiling child most of the time. Every single photo we have of him, he has a huge smile.
He loves to engage a parent during play and blossoms when given individual attention. He is a sweet child who craves attention from his primary care givers. He wants to interact one-on-one and is a joy to be around when he knows he has your attention. In many ways, he is independent and wants to be his own person. He loves to ride bikes—he is on training wheels now but is ready to have those removed. He has great balance and is on par with other 7-year-olds when it comes to bikes, scooters and outdoor play.
Paul enjoys singing and ‘writing’ and has learned to sit and enjoy being read short board books. One of his favorite things is to play ‘kitchen’ and pretend to cook and serve food to others. He has a great imagination and will adapt other toys to be ‘play food’.
He also enjoys helping his adopted dad in the kitchen and is super enthusiastic about cooking real foods. His favorite foods are chicken nuggets and fries with bbq sauce.
Paul eats and sleeps well and enjoys school a lot. He is still learning English, but is picking it up very quickly.
This is a private adoption, so a state or foster home study might not work. A state authorized private domestic or international home study is generally required. You will need to have a current, or easily-updated home study for this adoption.
Due to state laws, we are not able to place this child in CT, MA, NY or DE. If you live in OR, you may need to travel to the child’s state to finalize this adoption.
If you have never had a home study before, we cannot help you adopt this child. But we would love to share with you the process of starting a home study so you could be approved for a child in the near future. Please write to us and ask us how to get started!
Adoption is a legal process so there will be costs. This adoption may qualify for the IRS Adoption Tax Credits.
Contact us at
*To protect the privacy of our waiting children and their families, Second Chance does not share real names for our waiting children on the Internet. It is our policy to only share a snippet of a waiting child’s details as well as the type of adoptive family we are looking for. If you fit the POSTED REQUIREMENTS, are home study ready (or can be soon!), and interested in adding this child to your family, please write to us for an honest, in-depth profile including medical, educational, and behavioral information and learn the full story of why this child needs a secondary adoption. Our program social worker and program director have worked together with the child’s family to carefully set the requirements for the new family. These requirements are not negotiable, so please honor the needs of this child by not asking us to bend them for you.
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