Meet Jessie!
*Jessie is 7 years old and was adopted domestically through a kinship adoption. She holds strong resentment toward the adoptive family for ‘stealing’ her. In reality, they rescued her from a very unhealthy and dangerous environment. We are looking for a new adoptive home for Jessie that will allow her to leave behind the negative feelings she has for this first adoptive family and blossom into a healthy and happy child. She feels more secure and shows better behaviors in a structured environment rather than one that is too relaxed. Keeping to a schedule is comforting for her. We will consider adoptive homes with no other children under age 10 and a current homestudy (or one that can be updated within 3 weeks) for this little girl.
Jessie cannot be placed into a family who has indoor pets. We have additional information on this.
If the above fits your family, please write to us for her full profile and find out why this little girl is in need of a Second Chance. Please write to .
Jessie’s family tells us that she is very athletic. She has great endurance and strength and loves being active. She loves being outdoors. She enjoys cooking with her adopted dad. She also enjoys quiet activities such as coloring, and building and sorting things. She especially enjoys playing with magnet blocks; starting with sorting by color or shape, and then will spend hours building with them. Jessie likes puzzles and reading. She likes playing with other kids. She can be helpful and silly. She is amazing at reading people. She enjoys crafting and is a natural leader. She can be incredibly caring (when a family member was bedridden with an injury, Jessie would come in every morning and ask how she felt and if she needed anything). She is outgoing and talkative. Her family has worked on ‘showing sorry’ rather than just saying it, and Jessie is willing to do an act of kindness to make things better if she needs to take responsibility for an action.
Jessie’s favorite color is gold—until recently, it was purple. She loves everything Paw Patrol. She tends to be clean and organized, and likes to keep her clothing organized and her bed made. She also likes to collect things—even random bits of trash. She is able to do all self-care herself. She also likes to help with her own laundry. At school, they give out ‘pride’ tickets if a student goes above and beyond. She likes to earn them to give her class extra recess time and other treats. She is reward driven and enjoys earning small things (like from the dollar store or oriental trading post trinkets), over earning large items.
This is a private adoption, so a state or foster home study might not work. A state authorized private domestic or international home study is generally required. You will need to have a current, or easily-updated home study for this adoption.
Due to state laws, we are not able to place this child in CT, MA, NY, or DE. If you live in OR, you may need to travel to the child’s state to finalize this adoption. If you live in WI, please let us know, as the adoption process may be longer and more expensive than what is listed in our paperwork. If you have never had a home study before, we cannot help you adopt this child. But we would love to share with you the process of starting a home study so you could be approved for a child in the near future. Please write to us and ask us how to get started! If you are a U.S. citizen living overseas, we may be able to work with you depending on a few details.
Adoption is a legal process so there will be costs associated. This adoption may qualify for the IRS Adoption Tax Credit.
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*To protect the privacy of our waiting children and their families, Second Chance does not share real names for our waiting children on the Internet. It is our policy to only share a snippet of a waiting child’s details as well as the type of adoptive family we are looking for. If you fit the POSTED REQUIREMENTS, are home study ready (or can be soon!), and interested in adding this child to your family, please write to us for an honest, in-depth profile on the child including medical, educational, and behavioral information and learn the full story of why this child needs a secondary adoption. Our program social worker and program director have worked together with the child’s family to carefully set the requirements for the new family. These requirements are not negotiable, so please honor the needs of this child by not asking us to bend them for you.
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