Meet Emily!
She’s a young girl we call “Emily” because we need to keep her name private. She is an 11-year-old bundle of personality.
We are looking for a single mom or a two-parent family who is home study ready (or has one that can be updated quickly) with her being the youngest child in the family.
The family prefers a Christian home because that is what Emily is used to but they are open to other families. The family has no preferences as to location or age. They do prefer a stay-at-home mother.
If you fit what we are looking for, please write to us and request her full information. Here’s our
Emily was adopted from the foster care system. She was placed with her current family 4.5 years and was officially adopted by them when she was 8. Emily has not bonded with her current family. She also grew up with unhealthy combative biological siblings before entering foster care and would do best being the youngest in a new family.
The family tells us that Emily has a sad story that has contributed to her needing a new home. She has struggled with home and at times school situations.
Emily has a passion for animals. Her current family has 2 dogs and she has taken such good care of them. She will walk, play and feed them. She loves horses, cats and guinea pigs. Her family tells us that she would do well on a farm because she would love the responsibility of caring for the animals.
Emily enjoys drawing and coloring. She’s very artistic and loves to be creative. She likes to play outside. Her family says a home in a more rural setting with room for her to roam and play outside would be ideal. She could play outside all day. Emily loves music and is interested in performing in plays and musicals. She has a fun quirky personality and enjoys making others laugh. Less is more for Emily and she would do well in a simple, low stimulating environment.
This is a private adoption, so a state or foster care home study might not work. A state authorized private domestic or international home study is generally required. You will need a current, updated or new home study for this adoption.
Due to state laws, we are not able to place this child in CT, MA, NY, FL or DE. If you live in WI, we can do placements but they have a few requirements that include a few visits with the child beforehand. If you live in OR, you may need to travel to the child’s state to finalize the adoption.
If you haven’t started your home study, please contact us for information on how to begin one. However, if we have home study ready families for this child, we will consider them first. Therefore, if you are willing to take a child between the ages of 8 and 15, we suggest you begin the process as soon as possible.
We know that adopting a child over the age of 8 is going to be difficult, but we feel confident that there are parents of all types, single men and women, traditional couples and same-sex couples out there who love kids and would love to add them to their families.
Adoption is a legal process so there will be costs associated with them. This adoption may qualify for the IRS Adoption Tax Credit.
Contact us if you have any questions or would like more information on this spunky girl. Our email is:
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