*Meet Jade!
*Jade is 11 years old and was adopted domestically by a large family. Jade is right in the middle of the kids and struggles to fit in. There have been no ‘big’ issues with Jade in the home; just years of small things that have added up. Kind of like the piece of straw that breaks the camel’s back. Her behavior in the home over the years shows that she does not feel attached and part of the family. The years of stress on everyone in the family has led them to consider Second Chance. They feel Jade would do great in a new adoptive home where she can be the youngest by a couple of years and not have to compete with other kids for the attention she craves. Second Chance is requiring that Jade’s new home have no other children under age 13 and a current homestudy (or one that can be updated quickly). Jade loves attending church and learning about God, so we are going to ask that her new family also be church attenders and willing to support her relationship with God. We will consider single parents as long as they have ample time for Jade. If this fits your family, please write to us for her full profile. We have a lot of great information to share with you. Write to .
Jade is a very petite child. She is easy-going and pleasant outside of the family home. She loves to read (will pick up and read anything she can find) and build with Legos—she mostly builds from imagination and is very creative. She is a neat and clean child who carefully follows directions and is helpful. Jade loves to sing and do art projects. She loves Bible stories and is proud of the fact that she’s read her Children’s Bible from cover to cover! She took flute lessons for a while and really enjoyed them. She would be interested in starting them again. She is very self-sufficient, so she would do well if she had a single working parent (as long as the parent had time to spend with Jade). Jade does well with schedules and down time—she is flexible with daily activities and doesn’t get upset if things change.
Jade does well in school. She has no academic problems. She is in advanced math, although English is her favorite subject. She gets all A’s and B’s. Grade-wise, she is doing great; emotionally, it may be nice for her to repeat 7th grade after she moves to her new adoptive home since she lags a bit socially compared to her non-adopted peers.
This is a private adoption, so a state or foster home study might not work. A state authorized private domestic or international home study is generally required. You will need to have a current, or easily-updated home study for this adoption.
Due to state laws, we are not able to place this child in CT, MA, NY, OR, or DE. If you live in WI or FL, please let us know, as the adoption process may be longer and a bit more expensivethan what is listed in our paperwork. If you have never had a home study before, we cannot help you adopt this child. But we would love to share with you the process of starting a home study so you could be approved for a child in the near future. Please write to us and ask us how to get started! If you are a U.S. citizen living overseas, we may be able to work with you depending on a few details.
Adoption is a legal process so there will be costs associated. This adoption may qualify for the IRS Adoption Tax Credit.
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*To protect the privacy of our waiting children and their families, Second Chance does not share real names for our waiting children on the Internet. It is our policy to only share a snippet of a waiting child’s details as well as the type of adoptive family we are looking for. If you fit the POSTED REQUIREMENTS, are home study ready (or can be soon!), and interested in adding this child to your family, please write to us for an honest, in-depth profile on the child including medical, educational, and behavioral information and learn the full story of why this child needs a secondary adoption. Our program social worker and program director have worked together with the child’s family to carefully set the requirements for the new family. These requirements are not negotiable, so please honor the needs of this child by not asking us to bend them for you.
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