Tommy is a Caucasian, 13-year-old boy adopted from foster care when he was 9-year-old. He came into their home when he was 7-years old. He is 5’2” tall and about 105 lbs. He has brown hair, brown eyes, with a slim build. He is artistic, athletic, and very active.
Tommy is sweet, determined and anxious. He is very capable, skillful, and intelligent. He is warm hearted, smart, curious, super friendly, and adapts quickly to new environments. He is clever, driven, and is able to use those characteristics to meet his own needs. He tends to play better with younger children than with children his own age.
He loves to read, enjoys drawing, losses himself when watching TV and enjoys playing with his Nintendo Switch. He likes watching Anime. He has played football, baseball, and basketball. He enjoys the school choir and wants to be involved in theater next year at school. He also likes day camps and also sleep away camps where he received an award for good behavior.
Tommy has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD and RAD. He attends therapy on a regular basis to help him build skills and cope.
We know that adopting a child over the age of 9 could be difficult, but we feel confident that there are parents of all types out there who love kids and would love to add them to their families.
Adoption is a legal process so there will be costs associated with them. There are grants out there to help fund your adoption (please request that information.) This adoption may qualify for the IRS Adoption Tax Credit.
Contact us if you have any questions or want to know more. Our email is