My name is Steve Sadiki. I was born in the south-eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the small city of Bukavu. In 1997, a war broke out in my country and I was separated from my family. I spent almost 2 years living in a refugee camp in Cameroon, but finally found a family in Boston Massachusetts to sponsor me so I could come to the U.S. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to live in America, and I am now settled and live in Salt Lake City, Utah.
However, I have never forgotten my homeland and Bukavu where I lived as a child. The war in south-eastern Congo is on-going and the children in Bukavu are still being separated from their families and sometimes being kidnapped and forced to be child soldiers and slaves. In 2010 I was able to travel back to Bukavu and was reunited with my family, but sadly found that my father had passed away. While dealing with the death of my father and seeing my family members for the first time since I was a young child, I was heartbroken to see that not much has changed for the people and the children in Bukavu.
When I came back home to the U.S. I could not stop thinking about my birthplace and wanted to help these suffering people. I decided to collect clothing for the children and the widowed women of Bukavu who work so hard to provide for their children. I have worked hard on this project for many months and am trying to fill a shipping container with clothing and shoes for these people. I have arranged for the container to be shipped to the Democratic Republic of Congo, but still need money to pay for the shipping costs. Wasatch International Adoptions, is partnering with me to make this project happen. All donations for shipping costs to pay the money needed to get the container to Congo can be sent to Wasatch International Adoptions. Every single penny donated for this project will be used to ship this container to Congo. And, because Wasatch International Adoptions has a 501(c)3 tax designation with the IRS, your donations may be tax deductible.
Thank you for your help to get this container of clothing to these women and children. For all of you who become part of this project, Wasatch Adoptions will post updates as things move forward. May God bless each and every one of you who are willing to donate money to get this container to Bukavu.
Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world. For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me in. Naked and ye clothed me; I was sick and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Then shall the righteous answer Him saying Lord, when saw we thee and hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in, or naked and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick or in prison and came unto thee?
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
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