A WIA specific grant may be attached to the adoption of this child. The grant is in the amount of $2,500. Please talk to Kathy Junk about eligibility requirements.
Beautiful Zena was born October of 2010. We have new photos and video from December 2018 and new physical information from April 2019. Her initial file says her special need is “lesions found at middle and upper field of left lung – waits to be tested and T-wave change. She is living with a foster grandparents who have worked with her on speech, walking etc. They love her and say she is smart, active and pretty. She also helps with the housework. Questions about Zena:
1.The medical report says her “disease” does not allow her to speak well. What is the reason for this? She speaks less clearly and fluently than the other children.
2.Are the lesions in her lung dangerous? (No Answer given)
3. Are they cancerous? No.
4. Should they be removed? Needn’t.
5.Her file say she has Down’s Syndrome?? Is this correct? (Report says: She was diagnosed as 21-trisomy syndrome (Down’s), pertains malnutrition, dysgnosia) Her special need is motor cerebral palsy. Not Down’s Syndrome.
6. Does she have a problem with her heart? No.
7. Does she take medication for her heart? If so, what is the name of the medicine? No.
8.How does she compare to her peers? She is slow compare to her peers.
9.Can she speak 4-6 word sentences? If not, how many words string together? She can speak 4-6 word sentences.
10.Is she going to school? Yes, she is in grade 2.
11. Can she put on and off clothes, help with chores, go to bathroom on her own etc.? Yes, she can put on and off clothes, go to bathroom on her own.
12.Video of her communicating with other child or foster parent; video of her movement—walk and run and jump;
Zena would be a great addition to any family and I believe will progress even further with a family to love her.
For more information, please contact: You will be asked to complete a parent eligibility form before any file information can be released.
Please be aware that children on our waiting list may be under review by multiple families. Additionally, a child’s availability status may change on short notice. Please contact for the most up-to-date status of a child.
WIA is not responsible for the medical information summarized here. Medical information sent by other countries may be inaccurate or incomplete. Prospective Adoptive Parents reserve the right to have medical information evaluated by a medical professional in the United States.
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